It is Sunday and I am at work. Last Sunday my family was out of town and I was by my lonesome. My friend Craig (CC) has been inviting me to worship at
First Baptist in Moss Bluff, as has Lisa's brother (OB) and his wife, Jamie. I took this opportunity to worship with them. I attended both Sunday school and Worship services, and I enjoyed the experiance of worshipping the Lord there with family and friends.
Things have been going well lately. Our house is slowly coming back together. We now have unstained cabinets and they do not yet have countertops, but the cabinets are in and we are making headway. We also got our new appliances in, except for the refrigerator, they are all still in boxes, but they are at the house.
I hope to finish my part in the house work this evening after work. We have someone coming to tape and float the sheetrock and he will also be staining the cabinets when he finishes with the sheetrock.
For fun, I wrote a response to one of A.R. Minian’s replies to my
As I see It Blog. Dr. Minian is a fictional character invented by my close friend T.K. A.R. is a hyper-liberal, politically correct, theologian who critiques my writings (all for fun with tongue-in-cheek). He can be scathing, but he is never to be taken seriously.
Dr. Minian now has his own blogsite that he uses to deliver his broadsides. I never respond to Minian’s letters, except to laugh and past them along to others. Still, I have been desirous to meet and do battle with him in like manner. I don’t think I can compete with A.R. for very long, because I don’t have T.K.’s ability, but here is my first attempt at verbal swordplay with the great Dr. Minian:
A Response to the Minian
This letter is a response to the many barbs and missiles cast my way by the hideous and high heretic – Dr. A.R. Minian. I have, at long last, decided that it is past time that should I respond to his pedantic, perversities of pedagogic literations, which he has aimed at Reformation theology, my friends and me. He has written a litany of less than lucid letters for no other purpose but to besmirch and demean Christian orthodoxy in general and my own good name in particular.
A. R. is the self-proclaimed gendarme of doctrinal distortion and denigration. He is the perpetrator and promoter of perverse and putrid punditry, and while he is not lacking in eloquence, he is lacking in veracity. His profundity of peevishness is beyond all measure.
My good friend TK, who knows A.R. personally, has tried, unsuccessfully, to restrain and correct the many maledictions of the meandering monk of mediocrity, but he has had no success. Mr. Minian is on the “highway to hell” and is not content to get there alone, but wishes to recruit as many weak-minded men, who are made into his minions of theological midgetry, when they embrace his malevolent, malcontented, maelstrom of obtuse irrationality that he calls "clear thinking."
The words written by Martin Luther in response to Erasmus of Rotterdam’s Diatribe are much more fitting when they are used to describe the many epistles of the Minian. A.R. should be ashamed “for having defiled your most beautiful and ingenious language with such vile trash; and I feel an indignation against the matter also, that such unworthy stuff should be borne about in ornaments of eloquence so rare; which is as if rubbish, or dung [the polite translation], should he carried in vessels of gold and silver.”
I remain ever ready to defend the sacred truth and do battle with purveyors of perversity such as A.R. Minian.
Deo Vindice,
There, you have my meagre attempt to meet A.R. and do battle with him on his own terms. I’ve already heard from Tommy and he says that A.R. is eager to reply.
Coram Deo,