jeudi, avril 01, 2004

This morning is beautiful. The air is crisp and cool and flowers are in bloom. Azaleas have been in bloom for a while here, but now the flowers have started to fall. I hate to see the azaleas flowers fall, because they are so beautiful and the bush, without them, is rather plain looking. In our front yard we have a number of azalea bushes and some wisteria. When these are all in bloom at the same time the yard is so alive with colour. Its wonderful.

Yesterday the little boys and I went for a walk in the neighbourhood. While we were walking I asked them who made the flowers. Of course they said God. I then asked why did God make them. They know the answer I wanted to hear which is “For his own glory” and they readily repeated it. Then I asked them “How do the flowers give glory to God?”

At this question they were not so sure how to answer and took some guesses, which were pretty good for a 6 & 7 year old. After there several suggestions I told them that the flowers give glory to God because of their beauty and they show us that God is good and likes beautiful things. And added that for such good gifts we should praise the Lord all the more.

MK came over last night, after the little boys and Lisa had gone to bed. At the time he arrived Morgan and Christian were engrossed in a new DVD, so he and I sat at the bar and opened the Bottle of wine he brought with him.

Mike brought over a Rosemount Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 1998. This was (imho) the best wine I have ever tasted. It was truly wonderful. MK, too, was awed by what he had brought. We discussed theology and the Bahnsen tapes he’s listening to, but in the midst of our dialogue, after each sip, we would each comment on the fabulous taste of this wine.

After the wine and conversation, we then went outside to walk and to pray. We prayed for about two miles. This was a good time spent in mostly all prayer time. Mike mentioned how long we have done this together. It has surely been for more than 15 years now. (He said “twenty” but I think it is somewhere between 15 and 20, probably about 18 years.)

MK is a good friend. Outside of my own family (dad and brothers) he is my oldest and dearest male friend. And one of the the times I like best is when we walk-a-bout and pray. These are times of spiritual renewal and encouragement for me.

I am sure the neighbours, if they’ve noticed (because our walks never start before 9:30 at night) must think the walks a bit odd. Here are to middle aged men (though we were young when we started this routine) walking around the block and praying out loud for an extended period of time. (Not a common site in most neighbourhoods.)

Well I must get to work.
Coram Deo,

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