vendredi, novembre 23, 2007

LSU just loss to Arkansas 50 t0 48 in triple overtime. Whoooooee. I'm disappointed but my fingernails are down to the nubs, so I'm glad it is decided.

The LSU game (win or loose) is not the big news for this holiday weekend. The big news is our son Christian made it home last night. Hel be will be here until Sunday, when he heads back to Florida and the United States Navy.

Coram Deo,

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

That LSU game is the best game, high school, college, or pro, I've seen all season. That

My wife and I pray for your son, and all soldiers and their families every weekend. I hope he had a good visit in the U.S. and stays safe abroad.

Get in touch with me the next time ya'll head to D.I.'s. Maybe my wife and I can meet ya'll. To bad they don't sell Guiness there, though.

Cajun Huguenot a dit…

McFadden is a great football player.

We appreciate your prayers for our son and for all American military personnel. We pray for them all continuously, as well.

I hope we can make a trip to D.I.'s soon after the New Year. It is a great place, good food, chanky chank, and dancing. I love it.
