Thursday morning I finished this weeks set of nightshift. I got home a little before six AM. I let the dog out and played with her for a few minutes. Soon after I arrived Kevin and John came by for a beer (I had invited them). We sat on the porch, enjoyed a couple of Killians and talked.
After that they headed home and and I came in and got ready for bed. I woke up about noon. I had my typical graveyard groog but I did pull out my saw's all and cut the handrails of the porch.
On Friday I had a meeting (8:00 AM to 4:00PM) but I had to make 12 hours so I got to work at four in the morning. I used the extra time to get ready for the meeting. That evening Lisa and I went to Club 90 in Iowa, Louisana for a surprise retirement part for my good friend Bird (Wayne Partin).
This morning Mark came over. He got here about 8. Lisa had picked up donuts and I made coffee. She then left for work. Mark and I started taking the front porch apart. After demolishing it, we spen the rest of the day building a new one. We got about 90% of the work done and should finish it next week. The new porch is much stronger and looks a lot better than the old one. Lisa is very happy with it.
I took a little time from the porch to grill some steaks for lunch. This after noon Lisa took the boys to see Get Smart and I cleanup from our work.
no greater agony
Il y a 11 ans
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