mercredi, janvier 14, 2004

This is my last graveyard shift. I work off in the morning and plan to go to Gary J’s house and have a beer or two before going home to sleep. A beer a 6AM is pretty good if you've been up all night working. We just rotated to our new shifts. Gary and I were on seperate shifts of the last year, so we have not been able to do our early morning, after work beer and wine sessions for a while. I an a few ours we begin again.

Gary has some old missionary friends staying with him this week. I have wanted to meet this friend of his for some time. He is supposed to get up and visit with us. These folks are with New Tribes Missions and are serving with some Indians in Mexico, as did Gary and liz.

We started the shift this evening with one extra person on shift, but JW had to leave because his wife’s grandmother is gravely ill, and Craig C. bailed out of here a short time later. Craig wife called and said that the baby was on the way.
Craig just called from the hospital a little while ago. He and his wife have a brand new baby boy who weighed in at 7lbs. 15 oz. Momma, baby and dad are all doing fine.

I've started reading a biography of Nathan Bedford Forrest titled That Devil Forrest by John Allen Wyeth. It was first published in 1899, is still in print and comes highly recommended. This is the second biography of Forrest that I've tackled. Several years back I read Andrew Nelson Lytle's Bedford Forrest and His Critter Company which is published by J. S. Sanders & Company as part of their Southern Classics Series. It is a fine book as well.

Coram Deo,

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