mercredi, décembre 06, 2006

After last week’s big events, this week is just another week. To start this week off, I woke early Sunday morning and fixed pain perdue (literally-- lost bread, but known in English as French toast) for breakfast. The kids always find this to be a great treat. Once everyone was fed, I left them to get ready for church.

With that done, I went meet my Pawpaw and Mrs Esther. They go to 8:30 Mass at St. Margaret’s Catholic Church, which is the church I was baptised at. I found them sitting near the back, so I joined them. The service was good and Father McMillin gave a good homily. I went up during the Eucharist and receives the blessing, of Father McMillin (I don’t receive the host.

When Mass let out I rushed to Bethel and worshipped with my family. I arrived as everyone was reciting the Nicene Creed. Our soon to be pastor was in from Jackson, Ms. He delivered a very solid sermon. After worship we all came home.

Lisa had cooked a chicken and sausage gumbo the night before. It was great. We relaxed at home for a while, then I went with Christian to meet some other folks (most of them from Lake Charles Bible Church) to play flag football. I have not attempted to play football in at least a decade, and even now (Wednesday) I’m still quite sore, but We did have fun.

When we returned home the little boys were asking if we could go to the Sunday evening fellowship at the Duncan’s house. So the little boys and I went there for a few hours. I joined the men sitting around a fire in the backyard. This was after I was invited to fix a hot cup of “Caribbean Coco” to take with me. I fixed a steaming cup of coco with rum and crème de cocoa. We returned to our hose around seven.

Monday I had to attend to union business at the hall, and since then I have been off work recovering from my football experience.

Coram Deo,

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