samedi, décembre 26, 2009
mercredi, décembre 23, 2009
dimanche, décembre 20, 2009
dimanche, décembre 13, 2009
vendredi, décembre 11, 2009
dimanche, décembre 06, 2009
samedi, décembre 05, 2009
mercredi, décembre 02, 2009
jeudi, novembre 26, 2009
dimanche, novembre 22, 2009
samedi, novembre 21, 2009
Liturgia Expurgata
jeudi, novembre 19, 2009
mardi, novembre 17, 2009
Wish I Was Hunting
mardi, novembre 10, 2009
Bad calls at Bama
Check out these pictures and video from the LSU/Bama game.
A conspiracy or are these just HORRIBLY incompetent referees? Send the link home and check it out.
dimanche, novembre 08, 2009
Sunday - 8 November 2009
vendredi, novembre 06, 2009
jeudi, octobre 29, 2009
samedi, octobre 24, 2009
jeudi, octobre 15, 2009
Work, Work and More Work
The last couple of weeks I have worked a lot of overtime. I worked 85 hours one week and 90 hours the following week. This week I’m scheduled to work 48 hours, but next week I am scheduled to work 92 hours (12 hours for five days and 16 hours for the other two days). With all this time at work I’m not getting much anywhere else.
These long hours will continue for several more weeks. I will be glad when they are over, but they will help me get a little bit ahead.
Coram Deo,
lundi, septembre 28, 2009
In the last three weeks I’ve been off shift planning a shutdown of a “Reformer” unit, I was off work four days sick with a fever and body aches and I’ve come back to work the shutdown that I was planning. It was a rough three weeks. During our shutdown we had an incident that could have gotten a couple of guys hurt, but thankfully no one was injured. Shutdowns are stressful even when everything goes right, our incident made it VERY stressful.
All this ended Friday. Our unit came up smoothly and I was able to leave after only eight hours at the refinery. I left work at 1:30 and went to the blood bank to donate blood. They hooked me up to the machine and took a double portion of red blood cells. After giving blood I went to get the boys from school.
Friday evening Lisa and I decided to go dancing. Travis Matte and his band were playing at Yesterday’s, so we went there to dance to some Cajun, Zydeco and Swamp Pop music. We were not disappointed. The band was jamming and we danced to every song they played (lots of jitterbugging), except for one slow song. We had a solid three hours of dancing and it was a blast.
Saturday, we hung around the house. I did a few chores. A co-worker’s dad is a shrimper and he was selling shrimp for $2.50 a pound (headed) so I bought 20 pounds. Brian delivered the shrimp early Saturday afternoon. I cleaned several pounds and sautéed them in butter, lemon and fresh garlic. (They were yum). I also boiled several pounds along with some corn and potatoes, and this too was good. I spent much of the afternoon cooking and feasting on shrimp and watching college football.
That evening my good friend MK came over. I opened a good bottle of wine. We drank wine and discussed (lamented) LSU’s performance against
Sunday, I took one of our sons to church Lisa stayed home with the other because he had a fever.
There, I think I have caught things up.
mardi, septembre 08, 2009
samedi, septembre 05, 2009
jeudi, septembre 03, 2009
mardi, septembre 01, 2009

vendredi, août 28, 2009

jeudi, août 20, 2009
mardi, août 18, 2009
samedi, août 15, 2009
samedi, août 08, 2009
mardi, juillet 14, 2009
Weekend In Gulf Shores
mercredi, juillet 08, 2009
We finally got rain in South Louisiana. Of course when the rains came they came in massive sheets, high winds and a great lighting show. I did get to enjoy some of the storm from the front porch.
jeudi, juillet 02, 2009
mardi, juin 30, 2009
Remembering Gerry
dimanche, juin 28, 2009
lundi, juin 22, 2009
vendredi, juin 19, 2009
mardi, juin 16, 2009
Shift work
I work sift work. I work from 5:30 AM to 5:30 PM and from 5:30 PM to 5:30 AM. This kind of shift work tends to mess with a persons normal internal clock. I know that very well. My sleep patterns are not normal even when I’m on my days off.
I find it more difficult to switch from nights to days. Staying up all night must shift our normal evening fatigue pattern back, so even when I’m off from work I tend to stay up later. This is true even when I get up at a normal hour. It usually takes several days like this to get back to being able to sleep at a normal hour.
Of course, just as you get back to normal, you have to throw everything out of whack again, because it is time to go back on the night shift.
That all being true, I actually like shift work because you are often of on weekdays when most people are working. This can be very helpful. You can hunt and fish while most people are at work. You can get things done during the week that other folks would have to take time off from work to do, etc…
Shift work has a good set of negatives as well, but if I start writing about those items (at 3:50 AM) it might get me down so I will not mention those things now.
Oh, I saw that there is a beautiful half moon out tonight on my 3:00 AM stroll this morning.
Coram Deo,
dimanche, juin 14, 2009
Back to Normal
I went back on shift last week, working graveyards. I worked 85 hours last week, all nights. Nights are good because the bosses, mechanical and engineers are (for the most part) not at the refinery. Because of this, things are quieter on nights and weekends also. If all is running ok you can have a little down time.
I did manage to finish reading Michael Behe's book The Edge of Evolution. I found it interesting and useful. I also completed the first volume of Phantastes by George McDonald. The book is mentioned by C.S. Lewis’ main character in his book The Great Divorce.
mardi, juin 09, 2009
jeudi, juin 04, 2009
jeudi, mai 28, 2009
dimanche, mai 24, 2009
vendredi, mai 22, 2009
lundi, mai 18, 2009
dimanche, mai 17, 2009
dimanche, mai 10, 2009
vendredi, mai 08, 2009
mercredi, mai 06, 2009
mardi, mai 05, 2009

dimanche, mai 03, 2009
It was great, because our whole family was there this morning. Morgan and Danny, Jessica and Christian along with Lisa, the boys and me. Pastor Steve had a good sermon on worship. I preached on the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
This inspired me to write on the subject on my As I See It blog. It is a bit tongue-in-check.
After church we went to eat and then came home. Lisa took a nap, the kids did their thing and I went to the porch with a book, read for a while and took a nap there myself.
Now I'm going to bed and watching the Military Channel.
Coram Deo,
mercredi, avril 29, 2009
I Wii boxed with him. It is interesting. He won the bout in the second round by KO. I will have to do some training and then ask for a re-match. After Wii boxing, I had to pick the boys up at school.
Christian went to meet Paul. They plan to spare for real. Lisa, Mo and JB went for a ladies outing, that is a pedicure and supper (or the other way around). I threw the football with boys in the yard for a while, and we ate left over gumbo this evening. Now, they are back on the Wii and I am watching the President's news conference and writing on the blog.
mardi, avril 28, 2009
We picked up Jessica and Christian. They look great and it is awesome to have them both here. Lisa's gumbo is awesome tonight, a number of Christian's cousins and their spouses came to eat and visit.
We have the Jessica and Christian here for a more than a week.
samedi, avril 25, 2009
Today the boys and I went to Longville to visit with my family. We had to head back home early because we were invited to a crawfish boil at my co-worker Walt's house. I was the only one to go to Walt's, mostly because Lisa worked late, so that she can be off when Jessica and Christian arrive on Tuesday.
Walt boiled crawfish and crabs. It was all SOOO good. I had Same Adam's Summer Brew to go with the food. There was a good turnout. A good number of my friends from work were at Walt's. A number of the guys brought their wife and kids.
After a few hours of feasting I came home, having eaten my fill of crabs and crawfish.
vendredi, avril 24, 2009
Today was a very good day. It was our monthly Rescue Team Training day and we had a good day of training. We set up three stations. Two were for repelling. One repel station was a straight repelling with no obstacles. The second station was more of an obstacle course with pipes and other items that we had to get around. The third station was one were we put a patient on a miller board, packaged him in a basket, and then raised and lowered him on ropes using mechanical advantage.
For lunch the team went to Chamblee's Buffet in Sulphur. I had ocra, mustard greens, yellow squash, chicken and fried fish. It was all sooooo good.
lundi, avril 20, 2009
Yesterday, we worshipped at Bethel. We had a missionary from Peru Mission, Wes Baker. During Sunday School he gave us an overview of what they are doing in Peru. Wes preached the sermon and after dinner he spoke on St. Augustine's City of God. It was all very good and quiet fascinating. I was very glad I could attend.
Sunday afternoon, Lisa and I went to a crawfish boil at Big Woody and Marys house. Woody cooked them perfectly and had the spices just right (smokin hot). There was a abundance of cold beer (a must with crawfish.
mercredi, avril 15, 2009
He was right. I caught one bass and we all missed a few more, but that is it. I'm planning to try again tomorrow.
I started Tuesday by going to the funeral of Billy Clark. He was one of the people responsible for starting Bethel Presbyterian Church (PCA). Billy was also a Ruling Elder Bethel for many years.
Last night the boys and I started a game of Risk on the porch. We were not able to finish last night, so we left it set up and finished it this afternoon. We could not finish it this morning, because I went to another funeral. This time it was for family.
dimanche, avril 12, 2009
This morning Lisa and I got up early and fixed Eggs Benedict for breakfast. After breakfast we got ready for church. Then we went to Bethel where we met Morgan and Danny and Elisabeth was there with the baby (Woody had to wrk). After worship services we cam home, Morgan and Danny joined us.
We had a Resurrection Day feast. Lisa had prepared a roast and gravy, mash potatos, rice, greenbeans with bacon, corn, garlic bread, candied apples and fudge. I opened a nice Pinot Noir to go with the meal. YUMM.
After feasting we went out on the porch, played fetch with the dog, drank wine and played pâque with boiled eggs. Pâques is the French name for Easter, but the game paque is a traditional game played played by Cajuns on Pâques (Easter) were we tap pointy end of two eggs. If your eg cracks you loose.
It's been a good, though stormy, day.
Coram Deo,
samedi, avril 11, 2009
On the way up there, I drove a rental and two guys road with me. We left for home Thursday evening. Most of the others stayed to attend the events on Friday. In my group, I drove home, and we arrived back at the refinery a little before 11 pm.
Yesterday, I stayed home and helped with things around the house. That is what I plan to do again today.
dimanche, avril 05, 2009
On my way home, I passed by Popeye's and picked up some chicken for supper. I just finished eating. I am going to pop the top on one or two on some Abita Amber beers and relax for a few hours.
Tomorrow I start a new workweek and it will be a 40 hour week, because I'm on special assignment. I will be on vacation the week after this one.
On my days off I hope to bring the boys fishing a a couple of times and do some outside activities with them, on top of the honey-do's that Lisa has lined up for me. I've worked a lot these last couple of months, so the honey-do's are beginning to pile up.
I also plan to read my North Louisiana blog friend, Opinionated Catholic's, anti-secession post on his blog and (hopefully) write a response to it.
I'm about finished with a beer. I am going to close out this post finish my beer open another and chill.
Coram Deo,
dimanche, mars 29, 2009
I scheduled to work 84 hours this up coming week, so I'm planning to go to bed early.
samedi, mars 28, 2009
jeudi, mars 26, 2009
This should be a weekend off work form me, but I'm working overtime instead. This means that I will miss worship services, but I recently learned how to down load Pastor Wright's sermons from Bethel's websight.
I have a headache (from lack of sleep) so I will shut this down.
samedi, mars 21, 2009
(Note: In South Louisiana if you have a parade you have to throw candy, beads or other trinkets).
After the parade we went to the festival for a couple of hours. The boys road a few rides, I rode the Ferris Wheel with them. We listend to some Zydico, at some rabbit sauce picante and a funnel cake befor leaving.
On the way home we took a detoured through Moss Bluff to get some boudin from Peto's. I also picked up some Hog Head Cheese. We then meet Morgan and Elisabeth at the library, before returning to the house.
This evening I grilled some very nice steaks that Lisa picked up. It was so good.
jeudi, mars 19, 2009
We did not know one another. I had recently left the navy and decided that I was partied out and was not interested in going out with anyone just then. Lisa had just returned home after spending the week in Florida. She was both tired and sunburned.
My brother Terry pestered me for a the previous week, and I finally caved in and agreed to go on a date with him and his girlfriend. Terry's girlfriend called Lisa and told her that she had a date that night.
Lisa, was not happy, theugh she reluctantly agreed to go out. She is just a little shorter than Terry and assumed I was about his height, so she wore high heels to make herself taller than me. She was going on a date that she did not want, with a guy she did not know, so why make it easy on him.
The four of us went out to eat. The service was terrible and we were all served the wrong food. After a bad meal we went dancing. Lisa and I spent much of the evening sitting, talking over the music. Terry and his girlfriend broke up as Lisa and I hit it off.
That was the beginning of our light speed relationship. We married 5 1/2 months later. Lisa is my favourite person in the whole world. She is a great wife and an awesome mother to our four children.
I am most blessed by God,
mercredi, mars 18, 2009
I'm sipping on a beer. I plan to tell Lisa and the boys good night and then go to bed. I will not set an alarm.
Coram Deo,
samedi, mars 14, 2009
My alarm went off a 4:30 this morning. I got ready for work, went to Walmart, where I picked up four 16" pizzas for work, because it was my turn to provide lunch for the guys.
After a twelve hour day I came home. I will rest a couple of hours, then Lisa and I are going to go dancing for a little while again tonight. I have to get up for work early again tomorrow, so it will be an early evening.
So far this week I've worked 72 hours. Tomorrow will give me 84 hours for this week's pay period. I work off Wednesday evening.
dimanche, mars 01, 2009
I worked for Mardi Gras, so I was unable to bring the boy's to the parades. I finished my 14 straight on Friday afternoon. Lisa left for Dallas earlier in afternoon for training, so the boys and I were on our own.
MK and his son came over to visit. He and I opened a bottle of and visited on the porch, while the boys played. On Satuturday, the boys and I went Longville to visit my family. We did a little fishing (they weren't biting very well) and we did broke out some pistles and shot a couple hundred rounds of target shooting.
We arrived home before 8 PM and Lisa drove in from Dallas and hour latter. She and I then went dancing for a couple of hours at the Isle of Capri's Caribbean Cove Lounge. The band last night was LA Express. We passed a good time for a couple of hours, and managed to be home and ready for bed before midnight.
I woke this morning went out and picked up donuts for the family. Now I need to finish up and start getting ready worship at Bethel PCA.
Coram Deo,
dimanche, février 22, 2009
I'm not doing much with this amount of work, but I have been doing a little reading. I finished To Kill a Mocking Bird. I had never read it before and it is a GREAT novel about the old segregated South, just awesome. I'm still reading St. Clement of Alexandria. I loved reading his Exhortation to the Heathen and I'm now on the second book of his The Instructor. The first volume of The Instructor was very interesting and this second is also proving to be very good.
My favourite of the Church Fathers has, for some time, been St. Cyprian, the Bishop of Carthage. Cyprian will keep his first place slot, but I really like St. Clement too.
I've also been reading Max Hastings' book OVERLORD: D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. I've finished the first couple of chapters. Hastings is a great writer of history.
My daughter, Morgan, insists that I consume more fiction and she has loaded my iPod with a number of audiobooks. I've recently finished a couple of books by Neil Gaiman and I'm now on a third. I've finished Mirrormask and Coraline and I'm now listening to Stardust. I've been enjoying Gaiman's books. The're a lot of fun.
Gotta go.